Error 3048 - Cannot open anymore databases



I have developed a database with forms that contain many subforms. For
example, one form has 9 subforms (each subform is only one level down from
the main form), each using its own SQL statement as its record source. The
main form seems to hit a limitation and won't show the subforms 6 through 9
(number of subforms not showing varies based on the desktop environment).
Any attempt at opening another main form at this point may return the above
error. Please note the SQL statements behind drop-downs and listboxes also
seem to factor in here.
I haven't been able to find any documentation on the above error and never
seen it before with far more complexity in other databases I've developed.
This is Access 2003 Front end (desktop MDE) and JET 4.0 Back end (file
Anyone know of a documented limitation to subforms, SQL statements, complex
queries. SQL statements allowed per amount of memory. Network limitations?

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