I’m getting a 3061 error when opening a recordset on a query which uses a
form field as a parameter. Here’s the code:
Private Sub cmdCalcFees_Click()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblFeeTotalsByWeek")
rs!RptgMonthYr = Forms![frmCreatePODmdRpt]![txtRptgMo]
rs!WeekOf = WeekOf(Forms![frmCreatePODmdRpt]![txtBegDate],
For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
If qdf.Name Like "*sum*" Then
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(qdf.Name) 'THE ERROR OCCURS HERE
Select Case qdf.Name
Case Is = "qry_SumAllFees"
rs!SumAllFees = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumAllPrepays"
rs!SumAllPrepays = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumFeesWaived"
rs!SumFeesWaived = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumPrepaidWaivedEqNF"
rs!SumPrepaidWaivedEqNF = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumPrepayWaivedNENF"
rs!SumPrepayWaivedNENF = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
End Select
End If
Next qdf
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
End Sub
Here the SQL for a query that the OpenRecordset method would try and open:
FROM tblFees
WHERE (((tblFees.TRAN_CD) In ("121","222","522","503")) AND
As you can see, the query uses a function, WeekOf, which has for its
arguments two fields which are located on a form. The form is open when I
run the code, but I still get the error.
Here’s the code for the WeekOf function (pretty straightforward stuff):
Function WeekOf(BegDt As Date, EndDt As Date) As String
WeekOf = Format(Month(BegDt), "00") & "/" & Format(Day(BegDt), "00") & "/" &
Format(Right(Year(BegDt), 2), "00") & " - " & _
Format(Month(EndDt), "00") & "/" & Format(Day(EndDt), "00")
& "/" & Format(Right(Year(EndDt), 2), "00")
End Function
It appears that the OpenRecordset method has an issue with retrieving
recordsets for queries which use form fields as criteria. I do not get an
error when opening the query from the database window. Also, I removed the
WeekOf criteria and ran the above VBA code and did not receive the error.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can resolve this issue? I
really didn’t want to have to convert from select group queries to make-table
form field as a parameter. Here’s the code:
Private Sub cmdCalcFees_Click()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblFeeTotalsByWeek")
rs!RptgMonthYr = Forms![frmCreatePODmdRpt]![txtRptgMo]
rs!WeekOf = WeekOf(Forms![frmCreatePODmdRpt]![txtBegDate],
For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
If qdf.Name Like "*sum*" Then
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(qdf.Name) 'THE ERROR OCCURS HERE
Select Case qdf.Name
Case Is = "qry_SumAllFees"
rs!SumAllFees = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumAllPrepays"
rs!SumAllPrepays = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumFeesWaived"
rs!SumFeesWaived = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumPrepaidWaivedEqNF"
rs!SumPrepaidWaivedEqNF = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
Case Is = "qry_SumPrepayWaivedNENF"
rs!SumPrepayWaivedNENF = Nz(rs2!SumOfTran_Amt, 0)
End Select
End If
Next qdf
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
End Sub
Here the SQL for a query that the OpenRecordset method would try and open:
FROM tblFees
WHERE (((tblFees.TRAN_CD) In ("121","222","522","503")) AND
As you can see, the query uses a function, WeekOf, which has for its
arguments two fields which are located on a form. The form is open when I
run the code, but I still get the error.
Here’s the code for the WeekOf function (pretty straightforward stuff):
Function WeekOf(BegDt As Date, EndDt As Date) As String
WeekOf = Format(Month(BegDt), "00") & "/" & Format(Day(BegDt), "00") & "/" &
Format(Right(Year(BegDt), 2), "00") & " - " & _
Format(Month(EndDt), "00") & "/" & Format(Day(EndDt), "00")
& "/" & Format(Right(Year(EndDt), 2), "00")
End Function
It appears that the OpenRecordset method has an issue with retrieving
recordsets for queries which use form fields as criteria. I do not get an
error when opening the query from the database window. Also, I removed the
WeekOf criteria and ran the above VBA code and did not receive the error.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can resolve this issue? I
really didn’t want to have to convert from select group queries to make-table