Error 3070 Invalid field name w/ crosstab


Steven Cheng

I had a crosstab query running that has the following sql:

TRANSFORM Sum(unionQueryUpload.Amount) AS SumOfAmount
SELECT unionQueryUpload.intStoreNumber, unionQueryUpload.strDescriptionRevised
FROM unionQueryUpload
WHERE (((unionQueryUpload.strAccountType) In ("CC","Cash")))
GROUP BY unionQueryUpload.intStoreNumber,
PIVOT unionQueryUpload.dtTransactionDate;

and unionqueryupload is like:

SELECT dtTransactionDate, intStoreNumber, strStoreAccount,
strDescriptionRevised, intAccount, strAccountType, Amount from qryUpload
WHERE amount <> 0
UNION SELECT dtTransactionDate, intStoreNumber, strStoreAccount,
strDescriptionRevised, intAccount, strAccountType, Amount FROM
tblGLCorrections WHERE completed= Yes;

This error message is appearing on intAccount field within a table where I
updated the field name from "intAcccount" in tblGLCorrections.

I can't see the error and I don't have parameters any longer?....

Duane Hookom

It's difficult to understand your issue. You stated you updated the field
name from "intAcccount" but didn't state what you updated it to.
What is the SQL view of qryUpload?

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