Error 3075

  • Thread starter Frankie via
  • Start date

Frankie via

I am having error 3075 ( wrong syntax with Me!CodeClient) message with the
following code on a form AfterUpdate event :
If Not IsNull(Me!NomClient) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecteurProspects SET " _
& "Statut = 'Client'," _
& "CodeClient = " & Me!CodeClient & " WHERE NumProspect = " _
& Me!NumProspect, dbFailOnError
End If
I don't get it.
Anybody 's advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Access 2003

Douglas J. Steele

What data type is CodeClient? If it's text, you need quotes around the value
you're passing:

CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecteurProspects SET " _
& "Statut = 'Client'," _
& "CodeClient = " & Chr$(34) & Me!CodeClient & Chr$(34) _
& " WHERE NumProspect = " _
& Me!NumProspect, dbFailOnError

Frankie via

Thank you so much! CodeClient is a text field !!
This forum is just great !!

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