


I am using the Inventory Control Template for use in a Central Warehouse. The purpose of this warehouse is to order, receive, and issue safety and supply items used by custodial and maintenance personnel.
I've got a form and subform "Issue Orders"(similar to the Purchase Order Form-enabling me to issue several various items to one technician versus ordering from one vendor
I'm trying to print an invoice (similar to purchase order report) and I get this message
"The specified field <field> could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement. (Error 3079)

My actual statement on the report's record source is: SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.*, Products.*, [Inventory Transactions].*, [Issue Orders].*, Technicians.*, nz([Inventory Transactions].UnitPrice)*nz([UnitsSold]) AS subtotal FROM Technicians INNER JOIN (Products INNER JOIN (Employees INNER JOIN ([Issue Orders] INNER JOIN [Inventory Transactions] ON [Issue Orders].IssueOrderID=[Inventory Transactions].IssueOrderID) ON Employees.EmployeeID=[Issue Orders].EmployeeID) ON (Products.ProductID=[Issue Orders].ProductID) AND (Products.ProductID=[Inventory Transactions].ProductID)) ON Technicians.TechnicianID=[Issue Orders].TechnicianID WHERE ((([Issue Orders].IssueOrderID)=for![Issue Orders]!IssueOrderID))

I would like it get the UnitPrice and ProductID from the Inventory Transactions table
Thanks for any help!

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