Error 3086?


Lars Munch

I am developing an application, where both back end and
front end databases are made in MS Access. Later the
back end will be located on a server, and the front end
will be located on the users' PC's, but as long as I am
doing basic developement, both the back end and the front
end are located on my own PC. I am using querys to add
and delete records in the tables in the back end
database. However most of the queries that were intended
to delete records are not working. The first few times,
I got an error message ("3086" as far as I remember),
telling that maybe the database was opened as "read
only", or maybe I did not have writing authority to that
table. This error message comes less than a second after
I have been running another query adding records to the
very same table! I suppose I couldn't do that without
writing authority! I can also delete the record by
opening the table, select the correct row and press
the "delete" button, but I want to develop an
application, where my users can do it in a more automated

I have not done anything (or at least I am not aware,
that I have done anything) to limit my own authorities.

This is not a matter of referential integrity. When I
want to delete corresponding records in more tables, I
know very well in which sequence I have to do it. I
suppose, that if it was a matter of referential
integrity, I would also get another error message.

Does anyone have an idea, why my queries to delete
records are not running, and what I could do about it?


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