Error 3116--The field is too short for the amount of data you...


Jerry McNabb

Form frmContact has a control bound to tblAlumnus!EmailAddress. This field is
defined as text, 30 characters. The control has the property IsHyperlink =
Yes. Every time I key anything into the control, when I try to close the
form, I get the message "3116 The field is too short for the amount of data
you attempted to add." In the most recent occurrance of this, I had typed
only 16 characters. When I opened tblAlumnus directly I was able to enter the
change with no problem. Obviously, I've done something stupid again. How do I
fix it?

Allen Browne

Set IsHyperlink as No.
Instead, use the Click (or DblClick) event of the control to SendObject.

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