Error 3167 #deleted



I was entering some data into my Access 2002 db. Suddenly, I was told that
Windows could not save the new data. After a couple of attempts, I eventually
rebooted the computer (closed out Access first). I found that in the three
records that didn't save, there was "#deleted" in every field of each record.
I attempted to delete the records but no luck.

I also found that I couldn't use one of my main queries - I got "Error 3167:
Record is deleted" even when I was searching for data that had no relation to
the original data I was trying to enter in the 3 records but was not saved.

I would think that somehow the db is corrupted?? How can I delete the 3
records and get the query to work? I have over 14,000 records so sure don't
want to have to start from scratch.

Many thanks. Norm.

Tom Wickerath

Hi Norm,

Have you tried a compact and repair? If you are lucky, that's all it will
Tools > Database Utilities > Compact and Repair Database

If this does not work, then you can try the methods outlined in these

Recovering from corruption

Recover records from a corrupt table

How to troubleshoot and to repair a damaged Access 2002 or later database

How to recover data from a damaged database table or a corrupted
database table in Access 2000, Access 2002 or Access 2003

If you still have no joy, then a data recovery service, such as this one:

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Many thanks, Tom. Nice to hear from you again and thanks for all your help on
an earlier occasion.
Regards, Norm.

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