Error 3356 - When trying to convert


Lisa - NH

Hi. I've been getting help with a DB. I have Access 2007. The person
helping has an older version (2003 I believe - when I open it, it says it's
in the 2002-203 format). I tried to convert it to 2007 and I got the error
telling me that "you attempted to open a database that is already opened
exclusively by user "Admin" on machine "LISA-PC". Try again when the
database is available."

1 - This error only happens when I try to convert to 2007 or save as 2007
version. I tried to save it to another name as a 2002-2003 version and that

2 - This error does NOT happen when I compact the database.

3 - The version prior to this version I was able to open & convert with no

4 - I have the only user account on this computer and it is set as
Administrator. Guest account is off (not that it matters). There is a
ASP.Net Machine Account that I assume Dell setup. It is a standard user and
password protected and I have no idea how to acces it, not that it matters as
it's a standard user account. I see nothing in the list about an ADMIN
account...other than mine being set as admin...

5 - I did some reading on this error and it suggests that you delete the
..ldb file. I checked. This filie appears when I open the DB and goes away
after I close the DB. So it's not there when the DB is closed.

6 - I read someone suggested to turn off the auto-correct name option. That
suggestion was to someone who had a front end & back end which I do NOT. I
thought I'd try it anyway and it didn't work.

What is causing this?

Allen Browne

Lisa, a decompile might fix this.
Here's a standard recovery sequence:

Another way to convert is to create a new file in Access 2007, and then
import everything from the old file. Even if there is something partially
corrupt, you will be able to import the rest of the database this way.

Lisa - NH

Hi Allen,

I appreicate that info. Right now I'm not doing anything with it because
another version of the file will be coming to me sometime soon. I also told
the person helping about this error and she said she was going to look into
it as well. I e-mailed her this info as well.

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