Error 40036


Mrs Pomemboo

Hello all,

First, sorry for my poor English, this is my last call to resolve my
problems and I most efficient in French.

In Access 97, I'm using a procedure that lock or unlock all controls
found in the main form who calls it. That main form could contain one or
many subforms which they could contains a subform also.

Here a resume of my procedure...
Public Sub VerrouillerEnregistrement(frmFormulaire As Form)
Dim ctl1 As Control, Dim ctl2 As Control, Dim ctl3 As Control

For Each ctl1 In frmFormulaire.Controls
Select Case ctl1.ControlType
Case acSubform
'the next line is the place where I got the error
For Each ctl2 In ct1.Form.Controls
Select Case ctl2.ControlType
Case acSubform
For Each ctl3 In ctl2.Form.Controls
Select Case ctl3.ControlType
Case here...
End Select
Next ctl3
End Select
Next ctl2
End Select
Next ctl1
End Sub

The form where a I got the error contains 2 subforms. For the first one,
anything is fine, no error returned. But for the second one, I got an
error message : "Erreur d'execution 40036: La méthode SetFocus de
l'objet _SubForm a échouée " which if I translate should means "Run time
error 40036 : The SetFocus method on the _Subform objet has fail"...

So, I try to replace my line with "For Each ctl2 In
frmFormulaire.Controls(ctl1.Name).Form.Controls", but still got an
error, a diffirent one this time... "Error 40036 Application or Object
defined error"...

The question is... why it works on one subform and not for the other
ones. In the problematic subform, I'm not using any locked propreties or
kind of, no particular events, nothing that could be different than
other subforms present.

I'm very mixed up right now...any ideas or tips regarding problem should
be very appreciated !

Bonne fin de soirée (good evening) :)

Mrs Pomemboo (Québec, Canada)

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