Robert Feigel (aka Bob)
Hi - Problems. Web addresses: <www.earthsea.co.nz> which is the main
domain & <www.surfwriter.net> - which is parked in earthsea.co.nz.
The situation: Using FrontPage 2000, I've just changed the
"surfwriter" subdirectory within the "earthsea" directory to a subweb,
then published/uploaded to earthsea. Checked it all out and no
problems that I could see. But there were a couple of links I wanted
to update. So made the changes and tried to publish/upload again and
get the following FrontPage error messages:
The server could not complete your request.
Contact your Internet service provider or web
server administrator to make sure that the server
has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed. For
more specific information, click details.
The details as follows:
403 Forbidden
Forbidden You don't have permission to access
/surfwriter/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe on this server
I've tried checking my permissions in 'Security' under 'Tools', but
'Security' is shaded out (along with Thesarus).
BTW - when I last checked out www.surfwriter.net my pages had lost all
their images. Any help would be appreciated. bob
Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <http://www.surfwriter.net>
For email change @earthsea.co.enzed" to "@earthsea.co.nz"
domain & <www.surfwriter.net> - which is parked in earthsea.co.nz.
The situation: Using FrontPage 2000, I've just changed the
"surfwriter" subdirectory within the "earthsea" directory to a subweb,
then published/uploaded to earthsea. Checked it all out and no
problems that I could see. But there were a couple of links I wanted
to update. So made the changes and tried to publish/upload again and
get the following FrontPage error messages:
The server could not complete your request.
Contact your Internet service provider or web
server administrator to make sure that the server
has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed. For
more specific information, click details.
The details as follows:
403 Forbidden
Forbidden You don't have permission to access
/surfwriter/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe on this server
I've tried checking my permissions in 'Security' under 'Tools', but
'Security' is shaded out (along with Thesarus).
BTW - when I last checked out www.surfwriter.net my pages had lost all
their images. Any help would be appreciated. bob
Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <http://www.surfwriter.net>
For email change @earthsea.co.enzed" to "@earthsea.co.nz"