I get the error 430 - Class does not support automation or
does not support expected interface. I am trying to get
data into my grid by using an ado control. I tried to
make sure I had the updated mdac, but I am still getting
the error. I think I have everything checked in the
references. I have the ado control on my form. I have my
code shown below. Maybe my connection to Access isn't
correct. I am using VB 6.0. Does anyone know what I am
doing wrong or had this problem before? Help!!
qryCustomer = "SELECT [cust_first_name],[Cust_Last_Name],
[Cust_Phone],[Cust_email],[Cust_title]" & _
" FROM Customer_Info" & _
" WHERE [Cust_Index_id] = " & iIndex & _
" ORDER BY [Cust_Last_Name]"
Call OpenConnection
With Adodc1
.ConnectionString = objADOConnect
.RecordSource = qryCustomer
End With
'- set header grid properties
Set DBGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 *** This is the problem
With DBGrid1
.AllowRowSizing = True
.ColumnHeaders = True
.Appearance = dbg3D
.AllowUpdate = False
.AllowAddNew = False
.AllowDelete = False
End With
does not support expected interface. I am trying to get
data into my grid by using an ado control. I tried to
make sure I had the updated mdac, but I am still getting
the error. I think I have everything checked in the
references. I have the ado control on my form. I have my
code shown below. Maybe my connection to Access isn't
correct. I am using VB 6.0. Does anyone know what I am
doing wrong or had this problem before? Help!!
qryCustomer = "SELECT [cust_first_name],[Cust_Last_Name],
[Cust_Phone],[Cust_email],[Cust_title]" & _
" FROM Customer_Info" & _
" WHERE [Cust_Index_id] = " & iIndex & _
" ORDER BY [Cust_Last_Name]"
Call OpenConnection
With Adodc1
.ConnectionString = objADOConnect
.RecordSource = qryCustomer
End With
'- set header grid properties
Set DBGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1 *** This is the problem
With DBGrid1
.AllowRowSizing = True
.ColumnHeaders = True
.Appearance = dbg3D
.AllowUpdate = False
.AllowAddNew = False
.AllowDelete = False
End With