Hello all, two questions regarding this bit of code below. I am creating a
temporary word doc with data from the host excel app.
I am getting error # 462 "The remote server machine does not exist or is
unavailable" when I run the following code the second time. It does fine on
the first time through, but it fails, on the line indicated below, on the
second call.
Also, how can I get the Excel object to be pasted below the intial line of
text that is created by the line that reads: .Content.InsertAfter
"PURCHASE ORDER TO " & UCase(ActiveSheet.Name)
Thanks in advance.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateNewWordDoc()
'On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim strKillFile As String
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'wrdApp.ScreenUpdating = False
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Format.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE FAILS HERE
With wrdDoc
.Content.InsertAfter "PURCHASE ORDER TO " & UCase(ActiveSheet.Name)
wrdApp.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=True,
DataType:=wdPasteOLEObject, Placement:= _
wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject, DisplayAsIcon:=False
.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
strKillFile = ThisWorkbook.Path
strKillFile = strKillFile & "\" & "FaxSheet.doc"
If Dir(strKillFile) <> "" Then
Kill strKillFile
End If
.SaveAs strKillFile
End With
wrdApp.ScreenUpdating = True
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
End Sub
The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.
temporary word doc with data from the host excel app.
I am getting error # 462 "The remote server machine does not exist or is
unavailable" when I run the following code the second time. It does fine on
the first time through, but it fails, on the line indicated below, on the
second call.
Also, how can I get the Excel object to be pasted below the intial line of
text that is created by the line that reads: .Content.InsertAfter
"PURCHASE ORDER TO " & UCase(ActiveSheet.Name)
Thanks in advance.
Option Explicit
Sub CreateNewWordDoc()
'On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim strKillFile As String
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'wrdApp.ScreenUpdating = False
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Format.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
<<<<<<<<<<<< CODE FAILS HERE
With wrdDoc
.Content.InsertAfter "PURCHASE ORDER TO " & UCase(ActiveSheet.Name)
wrdApp.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=True,
DataType:=wdPasteOLEObject, Placement:= _
wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject, DisplayAsIcon:=False
.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
strKillFile = ThisWorkbook.Path
strKillFile = strKillFile & "\" & "FaxSheet.doc"
If Dir(strKillFile) <> "" Then
Kill strKillFile
End If
.SaveAs strKillFile
End With
wrdApp.ScreenUpdating = True
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
End Sub
The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.