Error -4960



I'm getting and error message -4960 when I try to drag an Entourage calendar
event from one day to the next. Don't remember getting this before. Any idea
what could be causing this error? Thanks-Jeremy

Diane Ross

I'm getting and error message -4960 when I try to drag an Entourage calendar
event from one day to the next. Don't remember getting this before. Any idea
what could be causing this error? Thanks-Jeremy

Try this...
Switch to a new Identity. Create an event and test. If it works then it
indicates corruption in your identity.

If it does not work, create a new User in System Preferences. Open Entourage
in the new User and create an event in the Calendar and test. If it works
here, then it's a problem in your User folder.

BTW, have you run Repair Permissions lately, or DiskWarrior? This could
solve some quirky problems like this.

Let me know what you find when you test.


Thanks Diane, Don't know what the problem was but seems to be fine now. I
did a restart for another reason and in the process, the Entourage glitch
has gone away. If it occurs again, I will try your suggestions. Thanks

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