Error 5006 using PDS




I am loading resources into EPM using the PDS, and then setting outline
codes and custom field values, after the loading. After I've loaded
about 500 resources, I get a 5006, Unable to create a session for the
user, error.

When I look in the event viewer, this is some of the errors I find:
Component: PjQuery
Line: 919
Error Number: 0x80004003
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>
Component: PjSvrNPE
File: C:\Office\devsp\project\WebClient\source\server\pjnpe\CPjNPE.cpp
Line: 32
Error Number: 0x80004003
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp
Line: 1691
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Cannot open database requested in
login 'kumbaseptest'. Login fails.]]></Description>

Component: PjQuery
Line: 919
Description: <Description><![CDATA[VERIFYINPTR(NULL)]]></Description>

There are a lot more errors, but this is the general gist of it.

I have run a test program that repeatedly checks in and checks out the
Enterprise Global. It fails after about 9998 calls to the server, where
each call includes logging on to the server, and then executing the
call, by using the code supplied by Microsoft in the PDS

To be able to continue I need to restart the Project Server Session Mgr
service which is not an option in a production environment

What is the cause of the behaviour?

Is there a setting that can be set to perhaps to help it cope with
session creation?

Or is there a way that I can log off programatically after I have
executed the call?

Please Help!


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