Frederik Mangelsdorf
Dear all,
I've got a converted Access app (from AC97 to AC03) which was already split
into FE/BE with an MDW in AC97. It still has this same structure in AC03.
I'm getting this error opening a form:
Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':
You can't assign a value to this object (actually this is my translation of
the dutch error message 'U kunt geen waarde aan dit object toekennen.')
The location of the error is in this line in a sub called from the Form_Load
Me.AanvragerID = rs!PHID
I can read rs!PHID from the debugger, I cannot read some properties of
AanvragerID, if I try I get various errors including some about (again the
original message is in dutch) invalid links and some about the control not
having the focus. I can read other properties of the control and receive sane
AanvragerID is a combobox on the form with a databinding. This is the source
code for that control (from VSS's .ACQ file):
Begin ComboBox
LimitToList = NotDefault
OldBorderStyle =0
OverlapFlags =247
ColumnCount =5
Left =1500
Top =1020
Width =2826
TabIndex =5
GUID = Begin
Name ="AanvragerID"
ControlSource ="AanvragerID"
RowSourceType ="Table/Query"
RowSource ="SELECT tblPersonen.PHID,
Trim(IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\",\"\",\"\" & [phvoorletter"
"s]) & IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\" \",\" \" &
[phvoegsels] & \" \") & [phnaam]) A"
"S volnaam, tblAuthorisatie.AuthorisatorLogin,
tblPersonen.UserName, IIf([phvoorl"
"etters]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & [phvoorletters]) &
IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & "
"[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]) AS volnaam2 FROM
tblPersonen LEFT JOIN tblAuthorisatie "
"ON tblPersonen.AuthorisatorID =
tblAuthorisatie.AutorisatorID WHERE (((tblPerson"
"en.Aanvrager)=-1) AND ((tblPersonen.Actief)=-1))
ORDER BY Trim(IIf([phvoorletter"
"s]=\"\",\"\",\"\" & [phvoorletters]) &
IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\" \",\" \" & [p"
"hvoegsels] & \" \") & [phnaam]),
IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & [phvoorle"
"tters]) & IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\",\"\",\" \" &
[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]);"
ColumnWidths ="0;1701;0;0;0"
AfterUpdate ="[Event Procedure]"
BaseInfo ="\"SELECT tblPersonen.PHID,
Trim(IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\" &"
" [phvoorletters]) & IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\"\"
\"\",\"\" \"\" & [phvoegsels] "
"& \"\" \"\") & [phnaam]) AS volnaam,
tblAuthorisatie.AuthorisatorLogin, tblPerso"
IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\" \"\" & [phvoorletters])"
" & IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\" \"\" &
[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]) AS vo"
"lnaam2 FROM tblPersonen LEFT JOIN tblAuthorisatie
ON tblPersonen.AuthorisatorID "
"= tblAuthorisatie.AutorisatorID WHERE
(((tblPersonen.Aanvrager)=-1) AND ((tblPer"
"sonen.Actief)=-1)) ORDER
I can read both tables referenced by the combobox: tblAuthorisatie and
The problem is related to security, because I can make it go away by
switching to a different user from the MDW. However I cannot find any
differences between AC97 and AC03, nor can I find any security setting that
would explain this behavior, neither between the access versions nor between
the different users in access 2003.
Can someone please tell me what other things could cause these effects since
I've checked all that I can think of.
Thank a lot!
I've got a converted Access app (from AC97 to AC03) which was already split
into FE/BE with an MDW in AC97. It still has this same structure in AC03.
I'm getting this error opening a form:
Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':
You can't assign a value to this object (actually this is my translation of
the dutch error message 'U kunt geen waarde aan dit object toekennen.')
The location of the error is in this line in a sub called from the Form_Load
Me.AanvragerID = rs!PHID
I can read rs!PHID from the debugger, I cannot read some properties of
AanvragerID, if I try I get various errors including some about (again the
original message is in dutch) invalid links and some about the control not
having the focus. I can read other properties of the control and receive sane
AanvragerID is a combobox on the form with a databinding. This is the source
code for that control (from VSS's .ACQ file):
Begin ComboBox
LimitToList = NotDefault
OldBorderStyle =0
OverlapFlags =247
ColumnCount =5
Left =1500
Top =1020
Width =2826
TabIndex =5
GUID = Begin
Name ="AanvragerID"
ControlSource ="AanvragerID"
RowSourceType ="Table/Query"
RowSource ="SELECT tblPersonen.PHID,
Trim(IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\",\"\",\"\" & [phvoorletter"
"s]) & IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\" \",\" \" &
[phvoegsels] & \" \") & [phnaam]) A"
"S volnaam, tblAuthorisatie.AuthorisatorLogin,
tblPersonen.UserName, IIf([phvoorl"
"etters]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & [phvoorletters]) &
IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & "
"[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]) AS volnaam2 FROM
tblPersonen LEFT JOIN tblAuthorisatie "
"ON tblPersonen.AuthorisatorID =
tblAuthorisatie.AutorisatorID WHERE (((tblPerson"
"en.Aanvrager)=-1) AND ((tblPersonen.Actief)=-1))
ORDER BY Trim(IIf([phvoorletter"
"s]=\"\",\"\",\"\" & [phvoorletters]) &
IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\" \",\" \" & [p"
"hvoegsels] & \" \") & [phnaam]),
IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\",\"\",\" \" & [phvoorle"
"tters]) & IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\",\"\",\" \" &
[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]);"
ColumnWidths ="0;1701;0;0;0"
AfterUpdate ="[Event Procedure]"
BaseInfo ="\"SELECT tblPersonen.PHID,
Trim(IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\" &"
" [phvoorletters]) & IIf(IsNull([phvoegsels]),\"\"
\"\",\"\" \"\" & [phvoegsels] "
"& \"\" \"\") & [phnaam]) AS volnaam,
tblAuthorisatie.AuthorisatorLogin, tblPerso"
IIf([phvoorletters]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\" \"\" & [phvoorletters])"
" & IIf([phvoegsels]=\"\"\"\",\"\"\"\",\"\" \"\" &
[phvoegsels] & [phnaam]) AS vo"
"lnaam2 FROM tblPersonen LEFT JOIN tblAuthorisatie
ON tblPersonen.AuthorisatorID "
"= tblAuthorisatie.AutorisatorID WHERE
(((tblPersonen.Aanvrager)=-1) AND ((tblPer"
"sonen.Actief)=-1)) ORDER
I can read both tables referenced by the combobox: tblAuthorisatie and
The problem is related to security, because I can make it go away by
switching to a different user from the MDW. However I cannot find any
differences between AC97 and AC03, nor can I find any security setting that
would explain this behavior, neither between the access versions nor between
the different users in access 2003.
Can someone please tell me what other things could cause these effects since
I've checked all that I can think of.
Thank a lot!