Error 85010014 - Synchronizing outlook with PPC


Budhy R

Anybody, really need help here...

Just bought DOPOD 818, completed with Activesync 4.0 and upgrade it to 4.1.

Everytime i try to synchronize outlook with the PPC, Error 85010014 is
always appear.

Have checked to Help in Microsoft Activesync site which saying that there
could be 4 reasons causing the error (solution for 3 of the reasons is
upgrade to 4.1 !! which I've already done that), the other is about changing
the setting in outlook script blocking (have try this as well, with no luck
:( ...).

Is there anybody have the same problem and probably have solved it? really
appreciate your help !!

thanks in advance.

Brian Tillman

Budhy R said:
Just bought DOPOD 818, completed with Activesync 4.0 and upgrade it
to 4.1.

Everytime i try to synchronize outlook with the PPC, Error 85010014 is
always appear.

Please stick to the
news:// newsgroup.
That's where ActiveSync issues are discussed.

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