Error Access Continous Form




I create a form called ClassList that lists all of the
classes we offer. It is design to allow people to add a
class or edit a name. The form appears to run fine.
However, I then created a main menu and have a command
button that opens the ClassList form.

When I then click on this button an error message comes
up that says "The Expression On Click you entered as the
event property setting produced the following error:A
problem occured while MS Access was communicating with
the OLE server or Active X control. The expression may
not result in the name of a macro... There may have been
an error evaluating the function event or macro.

There is no macro. For some reason the form does not
open with all of the data available. Any thoughts?




It's been long enough ago that you've probably figured this one out and
forgotten it's here.

I've solved these a couple of ways.
One make sure the Click event is in the properties.
Two make sure the field names in the bound form are correct and in the
query. Subtle typographical errors can create havoc.


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