Error: "ActivaX component can't create object"


masani paresh

Hi Friends,

I have written macro which was giving error "User defined type not found" at
"Dim redAppt As Redemption.SafeAppointmentItem" statement then I have added
Safe Outlook Library(to get redeption.dll) in Tools->Reference and that error
went away but now it gives another error "ActivaX component can't create
object" at "Set redNewAppt = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeAppointmentItem")"
line. While searching on net I found that it required redeption.dll which I
already included in COM libraries. Could you please tell me what could be
wrong here?

Could anyone please help me on this.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Is Redemption installed and registered on that machine?

Can you use CreateObject() to create instances of any other application or
COM creatable object, for example "Word.Application"? If not you may be
using a script stopper that prevents CreateObject() or New() from working.
Those usually come with some anti-virus software such as Norton and McAfee,
and with some software firewalls.

masani paresh

Thanks Ken for reply. Is there anything else I need to do to register
redeption on my machine. I have just downloaded redeption.dll and added in
the COM libraries in VBA enviornment Tools->Reference->Browse to
redeption.dll library.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Yeah, run regsvr32 on the dll to register it. Just downloading a dll doesn't
register it in COM.

masani paresh

I couldn't find regsvr32 itself. Could any one please help me with the steps.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Open the Start, Run dialog. In that type:


Follow that with your path to the dll. If there are any spaces in the path
surround the entire path with quotes. When finished press Enter.

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