error after running spell check



Word 2000 problem: Can anyone tell me why, when I do my spellcheck and
close it out, all of my margins disappear, as do my headers? I then
have to save that document and then insert it back into the template
to get things back where they belong! This has become very

Charles L Sicher

While you are answering that quesion, I have another in
our LAN here I have a machine for some reason spell check
won't engage on some of the documents, now on the flip
side to that lets say I use another machine to open the
file it created when I do so it will ask do you want to
save changes, Of course I say yes go back to my other
machine and open it up spell check all of a sudden now
works I have been through every possible setting I can
think of and nothing is wrong can anyone help ?????

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