Error: Cannot open anymore databases.



I have a report that compiles data from multiple databases. I can preview the
report and everything looks fine. However, when I try to print the report I
get the following error (several times): Cannot open anymore databases.
Is there a limit to the number of databases that you can access at one time?
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem. Currently, my users are having
to submit the report in the form of an e-mail attachment, then they can print
the report from there. I really need to take out this step.

Thank you for your time and your thoughts.


Here is one suggestion. Change your report from pointing to multiple linked
databases to moving the data into a local table and running the report off of
that. I am not sure if all of the linked databases are access databases, but
if they are not, I am not sure that ODBC is totally optimized for some of
these connections, and linking to a non-Access table could cause multiple
connections. Hopefully you are familiar with queries enough to append the
data appropriately to a new table and then clear it out. Macros could work
and so could VBA to automate it more.

Let me know if this was helpful and if I can provide more assistance.

Tony Toews [MVP]

hmadyson had the same solution I did but I'll add a bit.
I have a report that compiles data from multiple databases. I can preview the
report and everything looks fine. However, when I try to print the report I
get the following error (several times): Cannot open anymore databases.
Is there a limit to the number of databases that you can access at one time?

Yes, I've had this happen to me a number of times too.
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem. Currently, my users are having
to submit the report in the form of an e-mail attachment, then they can print
the report from there. I really need to take out this step.

Using a temporary MDB saves bloating in the Front End MDB.

See the TempTables.MDB page at my website which illustrates how to use
a temporary MDB in your app.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Todos Menos [MSFT]

MDB is for mother fucking babies

keep everything in a ADP
and use TEMPDB that is built into SQL server

Do newbies really need a 3-tier database?


Tony Toews [MVP]

A a r o n K e m p f wrote:

Note that this person is really A a r o n K e m p f and that he is not an employee
of Microsoft.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Todos Menos [MSFT]

Tony is a MDB WUSS I would not trust him as a credible resource.

Likewise; many of the MVPs around this channel 'don't have the mental
capacity to learn SQL Server' so you should ignore them also


Linked table manager SUCKS

keep everything in SQL Server; then you don't need to change queries
every 30 seconds on 100 different machines

and guess what? you can edit tables / queries EVEN WHEN OTHER PEOPLE

Todos Menos [MSFT]

only a mother fukcing retard would use a 3-tier DATABASE
SQL Server has a tempdb built into it.

If you're worried abotu a 'local storage option' then go and read a
book on SQL Server ownership

EVERYONE _CAN_ have a different copy of every table for example

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