Error checking and beak points not working


Ray Woods

Can anyone please help. If I put a breakpoint in my code for error checking
it doesn't seem to stop the code. Also I have had syntax errors in my code
which would stop code execution but not display an error message. I know the
code stopped as I put msgbox prompts in the code to see where it stopped. I
have break on all errors selected in options so I'm a bit puzzled.



Gary Miller

Have you used DoCmd.SetWarnings False anywhere? This could
suppress errors and system messages if an error occurred
before you turned them back on.


Gary Miller
Gary Miller Computer Services
Sisters, OR

Ray Woods

No, not used this command anywhere. This is the first time I've used Access
2002 with XP but i'm not aware of any issues. Guess I could try
re-installing unless anyone can suggest other possibilities.

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