Error checking conversion to number not working



I import a file and paste as CSV. I believe everything is considered text
then, but there are numbers as well. The worksheet has over 4000 lines. I
want to convert all of the number cells in one column into numbers (currently
are text, due to import). I tried to follow the help, but still get text.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try this:

Enter a 1 into any blank cell
Copy that cell
Select your range of data to convert
Paste Special
Check the "Multiply" option
Click OK
Delete the 1 you entered originally



Thanks for the response. I tried that and it didn't work. I figured it out
though. I just have to click on the cell, highlight down to where I need it
(the entire cell), the "!" will still be showing so I click on that now and
then click on the convert to number.

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