I have put the following code in my vbscript to catch errors, but it does
absolutely nothing. This is straight out of the book.... did I miss
something here?
Dim strMessage
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Well, That didn't Work"
strMessage = "The following error " & Err.Description & _
" has occurred in the " & Err.Source & " appliction. " & _
"The error number was " & Err.Number & ". " & _
"Please report this error to the help desk."
MsgBox strMessage,16,"Run-time Error #" & Err.Number
Exit Sub
End If
absolutely nothing. This is straight out of the book.... did I miss
something here?
Dim strMessage
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Well, That didn't Work"
strMessage = "The following error " & Err.Description & _
" has occurred in the " & Err.Source & " appliction. " & _
"The error number was " & Err.Number & ". " & _
"Please report this error to the help desk."
MsgBox strMessage,16,"Run-time Error #" & Err.Number
Exit Sub
End If