Error code 9133 ProjectUpdateDatabase Exception



Project Server 2007 SP2 & Apr CU
I have tried the following:
1) Delete Published, then Publish the plan - still receive the error
2) File Save As Sharing - Removes 1 resource from the project and deleted
transaction history for the plan, but removes the error message

PM requested that the project be resotred to a previous version prior #1
above due to the other issues. However, the transaction history is gone, and
still have the error message.

Would anyone have any suggestions for handling this error?
When attempt to Save receive the following error message:
Your ProjectUpdate job failed. Its current state is Failed. It was 100%
complete. It entered the queue at 09/24/2009 11:02:21.

To get more information about the job failure, please go to Project Web
Access. Select Personal Settings from the left menu. Then select My Queued

The errors returned from the queue are as follows:
Error ID: 9135
Error ID: 26000

Detailed error below - send it to the administrator for more detailed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<class name="Project">
<error id="9135" name="ProjectUpdateDatabaseException"
uid="9f6284cc-1f49-4c40-965a-b4f01ea6c975" />
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed"
JobUID="f982452b-291c-4341-805b-c8426a60b321" ComputerName="OHAEPHQIA013"
GroupType="ProjectUpdate" MessageType="" MessageId="" Stage="" />

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