-----Original Message-----
To resolve the issue, you will need to perform the following changes to
allow the code pages to match.
NOTE: To identify the Codepage IDs for your language/setting, please
reference the following link:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp? url=/library/en-us/wcelocal/h
Open NotePad.
Copy and paste the text below into Notepad:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\MS Project\Codepages]
Enter a new line which includes all the text from the prior line and appends
"\" and the ID of the codepage used on your personal computer. In the
example below, the user has selected the Turkish regional settings:
Enter a new line which includes all the text from the prior line and appends
"\" and the LCID of the regional settings of the Project Server. In the
example below, the user is logging into a Project Server with English
regional settings:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\MS Project\Codepages\1254\1252]
Save the file as "ProjectProID.reg"
In the example above, the completed reg file would look like:
Gary Chefetz [MVP]
*** Remember to look for line breaks in links posted to the news group, use
cut and paste for these.
Kimhui said:
Hi all, I have a problem here.
The situation is as follow:
Currently, we have a japanese client with a japanese
locale trying to connect to English Server.
The following errors was experienced
1) Microsoft Project Server Settings Incorrect or
2) User Id Invalid or
3) Microsoft Project Database Invalid or
4) Microsoft Project Server Expired
The above error was in japanese, however we got a
translator to help translate the error
Any help will be appreciated ! Thank you