Error Downloading Outlookfields using VBA


Dave F

I am trying to download the standard Outlook fields into Access 2003 using
the Outlook object model and VBA.

The process works but I am getting one intermittent error. When I try to
set an Outlook.ContactItem I get a runtime error 13, TypeMismatch on the
second line below:

If TypeName(objItems(i)) = "ContactItem" Then
Set c = objItems(i)

I have tried deleting ths particular contact item from Outlook but the error
persists at the same point in the loop.

Does anyone have any idea why I might get a type mismatch?

Below is my complete code.

Thanks for any ideas.

Code from Access 2003 Form Module

Option Compare Database

'Set reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Set reference to Microsoft Outlook 11. Object Library

Private Sub Command0_Click()

'On Error GoTo Err_Handler

'reset progress bar
If Me.pbIn.Visible = True Then
Me.pbIn.Visible = False
Me.lblProgress.Visible = False
End If

'Call sub to import both standard fields
Call ImportContactsFromOutlook

Exit Sub

MsgBox ("error number: " & Err.Number _
& " Description: " & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_sub

End Sub

Sub ImportContactsFromOutlook()

Dim i As Integer 'counter
Dim strFolderName As String 'Outlook folder
Dim strFolderPath As String 'Outlook folder path

'get folder name from drop down box selection
strFolderName = cboFolder.Value
strFolderPath = "Public Folders\All Public Folders\" & strFolderName

'DAO Objects
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Import_OL_STD")

'Outlook Objects
Dim ol As New Outlook.Application
Dim olns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim cf As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim c As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim Prop As Outlook.UserProperty

Set olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")

'Reference to local folder
' Set cf = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
' Set cf = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders)

'Call function to return proper folder object
Set cf = GetFolder(strFolderPath)
Set objItems = cf.Items
iNumContacts = objItems.Count

If iNumContacts <> 0 Then

'turn label and progress bar on
Me.lblProgress.Caption = iNumContacts & " potential records to
Me.lblProgress.Visible = True

Me.pbIn.Visible = True
iPBOutWidth = Me.pbOut.Width

For i = 1 To iNumContacts

'set progress bar
'size of inner box= (size of outer box/# records) * current
Me.pbIn.Width = (iPBOutWidth / iNumContacts) * i

If TypeName(objItems(i)) = "ContactItem" Then

'*********** RUNTIME ERROR 13 TYPE MISMATCH occurs here on the 143 record
Set c = objItems(i)

'Grab Outlook standard properties
rst![CompanyName] = c.CompanyName
rst![PublicFolder] = strFolderName
' rst![Actions] = c.Actions
rst![Application] = c.Application
rst![Companies] = c.Companies
rst![CompanyAndFullName] = c.CompanyAndFullName
rst![Email1AddressType] = c.Email1AddressType
rst![Email1DisplayName] = c.Email1DisplayName
rst![Email1EntryID] = c.Email1EntryID
rst![Email2AddressType] = c.Email2AddressType
rst![Email2DisplayName] = c.Email2DisplayName
' too small rst![Email2EntryID] = c.Email2EntryID
rst![Email3AddressType] = c.Email3AddressType
rst![Email3DisplayName] = c.Email3DisplayName
'not found rst![Email3EntryID] = c.Email3EntryID
rst![EntryID] = c.EntryID
rst![FormDescription] = c.FormDescription
rst![FullNameAndCompany] = c.FullNameAndCompany
rst![GetInspector] = c.GetInspector
rst![Importance] = c.Importance
rst![LastNameAndFirstName] = c.LastNameAndFirstName
rst![MailingAddressCity] = c.MailingAddressCity
rst![MailingAddressCountry] = c.MailingAddressCountry
rst![MailingAddressPostalCode] = c.MailingAddressPostalCode
rst![MailingAddressPostOfficeBox] =
rst![MailingAddressState] = c.MailingAddressState
rst![MailingAddressStreet] = c.MailingAddressStreet
rst![NoAging] = c.NoAging
rst![Parent] = c.Parent
rst![Saved] = c.Saved
rst![SelectedMailingAddress] = c.SelectedMailingAddress
rst![UnRead] = c.UnRead
rst![UserCertificate] = c.UserCertificate
' rst![UserProperties] = c.UserProperties
rst![YomiCompanyName] = c.YomiCompanyName
rst![YomiFirstName] = c.YomiFirstName
rst![YomiLastName] = c.YomiLastName
rst![Account] = c.Account
rst![Anniversary] = c.Anniversary
rst![AssistantName] = c.AssistantName
rst![AssistantTelephoneNumber] = c.AssistantTelephoneNumber
' rst![Attachments] = c.Attachments
rst![BillingInformation] = c.BillingInformation
rst![Birthday] = c.Birthday
rst![BusinessAddress] = c.BusinessAddress
rst![BusinessAddressCity] = c.BusinessAddressCity
rst![BusinessAddressCountry] = c.BusinessAddressCountry
rst![BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox] =
rst![BusinessAddressPostalCode] =
rst![BusinessAddressState] = c.BusinessAddressState
rst![BusinessAddressStreet] = c.BusinessAddressStreet
rst![BusinessFaxNumber] = c.BusinessFaxNumber
rst![BusinessHomePage] = c.BusinessHomePage
rst![BusinessTelephoneNumber] = c.BusinessTelephoneNumber
rst![Business2TelephoneNumber] = c.Business2TelephoneNumber
rst![CallbackTelephoneNumber] = c.CallbackTelephoneNumber
rst![CarTelephoneNumber] = c.CarTelephoneNumber
rst![Categories] = c.Categories
rst![Children] = c.Children
rst![CompanyMainTelephoneNumber] =
rst![ComputerNetworkName] = c.ComputerNetworkName
rst![CreationTime] = c.CreationTime
rst![CustomerID] = c.CustomerID
rst![Department] = c.Department
rst![Email1Address] = c.Email1Address
rst![Email2Address] = c.Email2Address
rst![Email3Address] = c.Email3Address
rst![FileAs] = c.FileAs
rst![FirstName] = c.FirstName
rst![FTPSite] = c.FTPSite
rst![FullName] = c.FullName
rst![Gender] = c.Gender
rst![GovernmentIDNumber] = c.GovernmentIDNumber
rst![Hobby] = c.Hobby
rst![HomeAddress] = c.HomeAddress
rst![HomeAddressCity] = c.HomeAddressCity
rst![HomeAddressCountry] = c.HomeAddressCountry
rst![HomeAddressPostOfficeBox] = c.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox
rst![HomeAddressPostalCode] = c.HomeAddressPostalCode
rst![HomeAddressState] = c.HomeAddressState
rst![HomeAddressStreet] = c.HomeAddressStreet
rst![HomeFaxNumber] = c.HomeFaxNumber
rst![HomeTelephoneNumber] = c.HomeTelephoneNumber
rst![Home2TelephoneNumber] = c.Home2TelephoneNumber
' rst![Icon] = c.Icon ' doesn't support method or property
rst![Initials] = c.Initials
rst![ISDNNumber] = c.ISDNNumber
rst![JobTitle] = c.JobTitle
rst![Journal] = c.Journal
rst![Language] = c.Language
rst![LastName] = c.LastName
rst![MailingAddress] = c.MailingAddress
rst![ManagerName] = c.ManagerName
rst![MessageClass] = c.MessageClass
rst![MiddleName] = c.MiddleName
rst![Mileage] = c.Mileage
rst![MobileTelephoneNumber] = c.MobileTelephoneNumber
rst![LastModificationTime] = c.LastModificationTime
rst![NickName] = c.NickName
rst![Body] = c.Body
rst![OfficeLocation] = c.OfficeLocation
rst![OrganizationalIDNumber] = c.OrganizationalIDNumber
rst![OtherAddress] = c.OtherAddress
rst![OtherAddressCity] = c.OtherAddressCity
rst![OtherAddressCountry] = c.OtherAddressCountry
rst![OtherAddressPostOfficeBox] =
rst![OtherAddressPostalCode] = c.OtherAddressPostalCode
rst![OtherAddressState] = c.OtherAddressState
rst![OtherAddressStreet] = c.OtherAddressStreet
rst![OtherFaxNumber] = c.OtherFaxNumber
rst![OtherTelephoneNumber] = c.OtherTelephoneNumber
rst![OutlookInternalVersion] = c.OutlookInternalVersion
rst![OutlookVersion] = c.OutlookVersion
rst![PagerNumber] = c.PagerNumber
rst![PersonalHomePage] = c.PersonalHomePage
rst![PrimaryTelephoneNumber] = c.PrimaryTelephoneNumber
rst![Profession] = c.Profession
rst![RadioTelephoneNumber] = c.RadioTelephoneNumber
rst![ReferredBy] = c.ReferredBy
rst![Sensitivity] = c.Sensitivity
rst![Size] = c.Size
rst![Spouse] = c.Spouse
rst![Subject] = c.Subject
rst![Suffix] = c.Suffix
rst![TelexNumber] = c.TelexNumber
rst![Title] = c.Title
rst![TTYTDDTelephoneNumber] = c.TTYTDDTelephoneNumber
rst![User1] = c.User1
rst![User2] = c.User2
rst![User3] = c.User3
rst![User4] = c.User4
rst![WebPage] = c.WebPage

End If

Set c = Nothing

Next i


MsgBox "Finished."

MsgBox "No contacts to export."
End If

Set rst = Nothing
Set olns = Nothing
Set cf = Nothing
Set objItems = Nothing

End Sub

Public Function GetFolder(strFolderPath As String) As MAPIFolder

' Folder path passed s/b in form
' "Public Folders\All Public Folders\Cal Net Clients"

Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim colFolders As Outlook.Folders
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim i As Long

On Error Resume Next

strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "/", "\")
arrFolders() = Split(strFolderPath, "\")

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(i))
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
End If

Set GetFolder = objFolder
Set colFolders = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing

End Function

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