Error for loop



I wrote a VBA to paint a color bar chart if more than 3 days.
Below is my code but it is not working, no painting,
Don't know why, need your help


Sub painting

Dim Rng7 as range
Dim Cnt7 as integer

For Each Rng7 In Range(.Cells(2, 6), .Cells(12, 6))
If Rng7.Value = "" Then
Exit For

'If IsEmpty(Rng7) Then
'not working if empty cell

Set Pts = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(Cnt7)

Pts.HasDataLabel = True

If (DateDiff("d", Rng7, Now)) > 3 Then

Pts.Fill.Patterned Pattern:=msoPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal

End If
Cnt7 = Cnt7 + 1

End If

Next Rng7
end sub

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