Is there anyone know what happened in our project server ?
FYI, so far there is no complain from our resources while using our
production site, but if we see the Event Viewer, there was error message
like this:
Component: PjViewMgr
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\server\pjviewmgr\ViewCreator.cpp
Line: 1102
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: Assert Detected. The error code was also included.
Component: PjQuery
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\server\pjquery\CnxCookie.cpp
Line: 296
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: Assert Detected. The error code was also included.
Component: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: Connection failure
FYI, so far there is no complain from our resources while using our
production site, but if we see the Event Viewer, there was error message
like this:
Component: PjViewMgr
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\server\pjviewmgr\ViewCreator.cpp
Line: 1102
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: Assert Detected. The error code was also included.
Component: PjQuery
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\server\pjquery\CnxCookie.cpp
Line: 296
Error Number: 0x80004005
Description: Assert Detected. The error code was also included.
Component: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: Connection failure