Error handle key violations



Hello folks. I am running Acess 2003 at a therapeutic boarding school. I
have a form that therapists can use to select which diagnoses kids have. On
this form I have a button which runs an append query to add their selections
to a table, tblDiagnoses. I have the indexes in tblDiagnoses set so that one
kid cannot have the same diagnosis twice. I am absolutely sure one of the
therapists will try to do this though. I have tried to add error handling
but I still get the Index/Key Violation-Yes, No Cancel screen and never get
to the error handling (except in the case of a "cancel"). Is there any way to
make a key violation trigger an actual error? I have tried both:

docmd.OpenQuery "qryAppendDiagnosis", acViewNormal

as well as

docmd.RunSQL "SQL cut and pasted from SQL view of qryAppendDiagnosis"

Thanks in advance,


David C. Holley

Encapsulate the query in an IF DCount(fieldname, tableName,
wherestatement) = 0 THEN statement
If your *ABSOULTELY* certain that you'll never have a child with the
same DX (doc's kid).

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