I created an error handler to create a directory if the path wasn't
found, and it has stopped working. I'm not sure why it is not going to
the Handler now.
DestBk is a workbook
SavePath is a string for the file path "C:\Temp"
Data is a string used to name the file, assigned dynamically in the
code. "Donations" for example.
FileExtStr is a String = ".xls" if the version is pre 2007
FileFormatNum is -4143, if the version is pre 2007
On Error GoTo PathError
DestBk.SaveAs SavePath & Year(Date) & "\" &
MonthName(Month(Date) - 1) _
& " " & Year(Date) & "\" & _
Data & "_" & Format(Now(),
"MMM_DD_YYYY") & FileExtStr, _
PathError: MkDir (SavePath & Year(Date) & _
"\" & MonthName(Month(Date) - 1) & " " &
I created an error handler to create a directory if the path wasn't
found, and it has stopped working. I'm not sure why it is not going to
the Handler now.
DestBk is a workbook
SavePath is a string for the file path "C:\Temp"
Data is a string used to name the file, assigned dynamically in the
code. "Donations" for example.
FileExtStr is a String = ".xls" if the version is pre 2007
FileFormatNum is -4143, if the version is pre 2007
On Error GoTo PathError
DestBk.SaveAs SavePath & Year(Date) & "\" &
MonthName(Month(Date) - 1) _
& " " & Year(Date) & "\" & _
Data & "_" & Format(Now(),
"MMM_DD_YYYY") & FileExtStr, _
PathError: MkDir (SavePath & Year(Date) & _
"\" & MonthName(Month(Date) - 1) & " " &