Error handler that does not end macro


Arne Hegefors

I have an error handler that I use extensively. However most of the times I
just want to be able to inform the user of the error and then move on.
Sometime I save info on errors too. However they way that my error handler
works now is that it terminates the program when an error is being detected.
Please help me modify it so that it “tolerates†mistakes and just warns the
user of the error.

My code is:

Public Sub mainProgram()
On Error GoTo Handler
Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number
Case 600
Msgbox(“Error type 102â€)
Case 601
Msgbox(“fatal error!)
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

And in a sub somewhere in the code e.g. :
If x > 10 then
Err.raise 601
End if

As you can see if error occurs the error handler is called and when the code
for current error is finished the macro ends. Instead I want to call the
handler, do whatever it is I want to do for a certain error but then continue
in the sub where I left with the error. Please help me out! Thank you very
much in advance!

Tom Ogilvy


Select Case Err.Number
Case 600
Msgbox(“Error type 102â€)
Case 601
Msgbox(“fatal error!)
Case Else
End Select
Resume Next
End Sub

Or specify where you want it to resume.

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