John C
Happy New Year to all.
Writing some code in MS Access 2003, SP2 installed on MS Windows XP Pro
(also SP2 + hotfixes)
Sub has some custom error handling which includes raising bespoke errors...
Err.raise lngMyErrNumber,,MyErrText
works only if lngMyErrNumber is <=65535 BUT the online help says that
Err.Number is of type Long.
VBA reports "Run-time Error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument" if
lngMyErrNumber is >65535
I'm obviously going out of my mind but I did check the behaviour in MS Excel
2003 (also SP2) on a different box but I still got the same behaviour...
MS reserves the error numbers up to 65535...
Negative numbers appear to work just fine... So, what have I missed? When
was a Long limited to 65535 or less?
Happy New Year to all.
Writing some code in MS Access 2003, SP2 installed on MS Windows XP Pro
(also SP2 + hotfixes)
Sub has some custom error handling which includes raising bespoke errors...
Err.raise lngMyErrNumber,,MyErrText
works only if lngMyErrNumber is <=65535 BUT the online help says that
Err.Number is of type Long.
VBA reports "Run-time Error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument" if
lngMyErrNumber is >65535
I'm obviously going out of my mind but I did check the behaviour in MS Excel
2003 (also SP2) on a different box but I still got the same behaviour...
MS reserves the error numbers up to 65535...
Negative numbers appear to work just fine... So, what have I missed? When
was a Long limited to 65535 or less?