Error Handling in VBA in the Office Suite


John C


Happy New Year to all.

Writing some code in MS Access 2003, SP2 installed on MS Windows XP Pro
(also SP2 + hotfixes)

Sub has some custom error handling which includes raising bespoke errors...

Err.raise lngMyErrNumber,,MyErrText

works only if lngMyErrNumber is <=65535 BUT the online help says that
Err.Number is of type Long.
VBA reports "Run-time Error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument" if
lngMyErrNumber is >65535

I'm obviously going out of my mind but I did check the behaviour in MS Excel
2003 (also SP2) on a different box but I still got the same behaviour...
MS reserves the error numbers up to 65535...

Negative numbers appear to work just fine... So, what have I missed? When
was a Long limited to 65535 or less?




I can repro that:

err.Raise 65540,"hello"
gives rte 5, invalid procedure

? clng(65540)

? clng(655400000000000000000000000000)
gives rte 6, overflow

However - the fact that a parameter is a Long, for example, does not
necessarily mean that all Long values are acceptable. For example, in
the "xyz" method, the valid values might be 1 to 40000, in which case
it would have to use a Long, but you couldn't say 40001 (for example).
So I think that your whole expectation in this, is incorrect.

I'd go back & carefully re-read the F1 help for the Raise mehod.

In addition, there is a bias constant somewhere that you can add to
your own error numbers, foi th specific purpos of keeping them seperate
to the standard errors. I thought that it was vbObjectError, or
somesuch, but I don't have Access here to check. Maybe that would help.


John C


Thanks for the reply. I have gone back an re-read the help. It's a fair
cop... society is to blame etc. :) The help is quite clear that the valid
range is 0 - 65535 for all error numbers. I obviously completely misread
that as just for MS numbers.

Thanks again


No probs, glad it helped. I'd have checked it myself, bu I didn't have
Access handy to do so.


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