Error Handling



The following code has a problem:

OnError GoTo Handler



DirString = ActiveDocument.Variables("CompanyName").Value

MyDocLocation = "C:\My Documents\" & DirString & "\" & NameString

CheckString = "C:\My Documents\" & DirString

PathExists = Len(VBA.Dir(PathName:=CheckString, Attributes:=vbDirectory))


If Not PathExists = 0 Then

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=MyDocLocation


SaveHere = MyDocLocation

With SaveWorkingFileForm

SaveWorkingFileForm.TextBox1.Text = MyDocPath

SaveWorkingFileForm.TextBox1.SelStart = 0

SaveWorkingFileForm.TextBox1.SelLength =


End With

End If


If Err.Number = 5153 Then

With SaveWorkingFileForm4

SaveWorkingFileForm4.Label2.Caption = "There is already a file
named " _

& NameString & " in directory " & CheckString & ", and it can't
be " _

& "overwritten because " _

& "it is open for editing. You must either:" & (Chr(13)) _

& "1. Give your file a different name." & (Chr(13)) _

& "2. Change the company name." & (Chr(13)) _

& "3. Cancel this macro."


GoTo TryAgain

End With

End If

Resume Next

What this is supposed to do is handle error 5153, trying to save a file with
the same name as an open file. It only kicks in where the path exists. The
line ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=MyDocLocation generates error 5153,
sending us down to Handler:.

It works fine the first time through. However, if the user clicks on the
form's OK button again with the same file name in the TextBox, instead of
going to Handler: on error, it generates word's default macro error
dialogue, with its "debug" and other buttons.

Does anyone know why OnError GoTo Handler works the first time and then

All assistance gratefully received.



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Dsc,
It works fine the first time through. However, if the user clicks on the
form's OK button again with the same file name in the TextBox, instead of
going to Handler: on error, it generates word's default macro error
dialogue, with its "debug" and other buttons.

Does anyone know why OnError GoTo Handler works the first time and then
If I'm not mistaken, it's because you GoTo back into the code while still
within the error handler. The error handler can't be recursive (handle and
error within an error handling action). Try using Resume [Label] instead of

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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