error in copying table using SQL statement



I have an Access2000 database with a table
named "DemandHistory_F" that is written to it by another
application. After this table is written, I want to create
a copy of it named "tblFpOutput" in the same database.

Here is the code I have written to accomplish this:

Set cnCurrent = CurrentProject.Connection
cnCurrent.Execute _
"SELECT DemandHistory_F.* INTO " &
tblFpOutput & _
" FROM " & "DemandHistory_F", ,

The problem is that this code executes with no error most
of the time, and once in a while, the SQL statement
returns the following error:

Err.Number=-2147217865 Err.Description=The Microsoft Jet
database engine cannot find the input table or
query 'DemandHistory_F'. Make sure it exists and that its
name is spelled correctly.

The trouble is that the table actually has been written to
the database! Why can't the table be found when it's

If anyone has encountered this, I'd appreciate any

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