Error in Excel 97 when running Excel 2000 macro



I am working with a client who has run into a problem running a macro m
firm put together. The client is using Excel 97 and we are using Exce
2000. At this point, my information is vague, but the client state
that there was a "compile error" (I need to check what specific erro
this is).

All I know at this point is that the spreadsheet was built in Exce
2000 and the error occured while running on Excel 97.

The Macro that failed is based on a named cell which uses Dat
Validation. It is a Yes/No list. From what I can see, the cod
actually puts a "Yes" into the cell regardless of what the user doe
and runs a routine.

Is there a chance that the data validation assigned to this cell is no
combatible with Excel 97??

I now my details are vague. Currently I am looking to run this o
Excel 97 to check for myself.


Tom Ogilvy

It could be that the workbook is not recognizing references to the type
libraries in the references collection for that workbook. With that
workbook as the active project in the VBE, if you go to Tools=>References,
you may find one or more references marked as MISSING. (this of course
would need to be done by the client using Excel 97). If so, these need to
be unselected if not actually needed, or use the browse button to fine the
appropiate versions installed in Excel 97.

Another problem could be that if the macro recorder was used, it may have
included arguments that were added in xl2000 and unknown to xl97. If so,
these will cause errors to occur. The unrecognized argument would need to
be removed from the code. If you compile the code in xl97, it should
complain/error on each such line that has an unrecognized argument.
(Obviously you have to compile and fix, compile and fix, find and fix since
it stops as soon as the first argument problem is encountered).

to the best of my knowledge, data validation in xl97 and xl2000 are

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