Error in Queue Projectserver 2007



It seems that the queue in one of our projectserver isn't working. There are
more than 250 entries in the queue and if i marked some entries for deletion
(with the addional option for deleting entry) I received an error in the
event log of the projectserver with "arithmetic overflow". But no entry is
blocking the queue with an error message and the entry with number 1 is
"project is waiting for publishing".
If I restarted the queue service on the server itself the projectserver
produce every time the event message with "arithmetic overflow".
Has anybody received such an error too? What can I do?

NZ Projects

Are there any relavent errors in the app event log.

Also increase Queue logging to verbose (Central Admin) and check the ULS
logs for additional information.


Thank you for your quick reply.
Because it is an german System I can give you only a short translation of
the error message in the app event log.

SQL Error
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetic overflow error converting
expression to data type int

The original error message in german:

Korrelations-ID: 2bb1c921-1516-493d-904f-fed8b3b4db76
SSP-Name: SharedServices1
PSError: Success (0)
Fehler beim Speichern von SQL-Aufrufen in der Warteschlange. Fehler:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Arithmetischer Ãœberlauffehler beim
Konvertieren von expression in den int-Datentyp.

Sorry, but where can I increase the queue logging.

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