I am using the following stoplight indicator for budget variances
(straight out of the sample database).
I have set up the graphical indicators to match the same way it is in
the same database (equals - (value) - "No baseline" to a white circle.
The project center view shows "error" where ever there is no baseline.
I should see a white circle.
Any ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it?
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",([Cost]+1)/([Baseline Cost]+1)>1.2,"Overbudget by 20% or
more",([Cost]+1)/([Baseline Cost]+1)>1,"Overbudget",True,"Under
Thank You
(straight out of the sample database).
I have set up the graphical indicators to match the same way it is in
the same database (equals - (value) - "No baseline" to a white circle.
The project center view shows "error" where ever there is no baseline.
I should see a white circle.
Any ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it?
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",([Cost]+1)/([Baseline Cost]+1)>1.2,"Overbudget by 20% or
more",([Cost]+1)/([Baseline Cost]+1)>1,"Overbudget",True,"Under
Thank You