When we open an report of the current business opportunities we have som
numeric columns in the report called "sannolikhet" (probability),
"enhetspris" (unit price), "antal" (amount), "belopp" (sum) (sorry, but I
don't know the english names of the columns as we use an swedish version of
The problem is that, when we export the report to excel the values seems to
be multiplicated by some irrational number, ie:
- the probability of 50% ends up at 500%,
- a probability of 25% ends up at 2500%,
- an amount of 1 ends up at 10 000.
We have no idéa why this occures at our installation, anybody got a hint to
help us solve this problem? This is a big problem for us as we use excel for
breakdowns of the reports.
numeric columns in the report called "sannolikhet" (probability),
"enhetspris" (unit price), "antal" (amount), "belopp" (sum) (sorry, but I
don't know the english names of the columns as we use an swedish version of
The problem is that, when we export the report to excel the values seems to
be multiplicated by some irrational number, ie:
- the probability of 50% ends up at 500%,
- a probability of 25% ends up at 2500%,
- an amount of 1 ends up at 10 000.
We have no idéa why this occures at our installation, anybody got a hint to
help us solve this problem? This is a big problem for us as we use excel for
breakdowns of the reports.