When executing the following code in the onload event, i get the error:
InfoPath cann't create a new blank form.
I just want to fill-in the username in one of the query fields, before
invoking the query submit.
What's going wrong ?
thx for support
var objNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
userName = objNetwork.UserName;
wshNetwork = null;
var queryHans =
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:queryFields/q:tbl_names" );
queryHans.selectSingleNode("@username").text := userName;
When executing the following code in the onload event, i get the error:
InfoPath cann't create a new blank form.
I just want to fill-in the username in one of the query fields, before
invoking the query submit.
What's going wrong ?
thx for support
var objNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
userName = objNetwork.UserName;
wshNetwork = null;
var queryHans =
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:queryFields/q:tbl_names" );
queryHans.selectSingleNode("@username").text := userName;