Hi Denise,
The Corel Draw filter may not be installed.
In Tools=>Options=>General turn on
[x] Confirm Conversions on Open
and then use Insert=>Picture from File to see
if you get the same error or a list of converters
that includes Corel.
However, when installed the CorelDraw Import Filter
for .CDR files does not support all of the features
in CorelDraw. This article has some details:
You may want to try exporting from CorelDraw into
one of the graphic formats for which Word has more
Please help! I am using Word 2002. When I attempt to insert a picture from CorelDraw 9, I get an error message saying "an error
occurred while importing this file". What is the problem and how can I correct it? Thanks. >>
I hope this helps you,
Bob Buckland ?

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