Error Invalid use of null?




First I did not create this. The following code is a
funtion that the form calls. It seems like it is working
and at the very end it gives me this error in
Ivo_Sum_ADJ94 Invalid use of null. I can see the error
handler say MsgBox "Error in " & "ivo_sum_adj" what does
the 94 represent.. When I debug and run the output it
looks like everything has populated into the tables so I
am not sure what this error is and what to look for to fix

Thanks for any help!

Public Sub ivo_sum_adj(m, y)
On Error Resume Next
Dim xsql
Dim xrs As Recordset
Dim ter
Dim cat
Dim mamt As Double
Dim yamt As Double

sql = "select TERR1,CATEGORY from tbl_ivo_ytd group by
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)

Do Until rs.EOF

ter = rs!TERR1
cat = rs!category

xsql = "select AMT from
tbl_ivo_summary where category='" & cat & "' and TERR1='"
& ter & "'"
Set xrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset
Debug.Print xsql

If xrs.EOF = True And xrs.BOF =
True Then
mamt = 0

mamt = xrs!amt

End If

Set xrs = Nothing

xsql = "select sum(AMT)as am from
tbl_ivo_ytd where category='" & cat & "' and TERR1='" &
ter & "' and TRADE_MONTH<=" & m & " and TRADE_YEAR=" & y
& ""
Set xrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset

If xrs.EOF = True And xrs.BOF =
True Then


yamt = xrs!am

End If

Set xrs = Nothing

xsql = "select * from
tbl_rpt_sale_goal where TERR1='" & ter & "' and
category='" & cat & "'"
Set xrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset
If Not xrs.EOF Then
xrs!sales = xrs!sales - mamt
xrs!ytd_sales = xrs!ytd_sales -
End If
Set xrs = Nothing


Set rs = Nothing

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error in " & "ivo_sum_adj" & Err.Number &
End If
End Sub

Bas Cost Budde

Jean said:

First I did not create this. The following code is a
funtion that the form calls. It seems like it is working
and at the very end it gives me this error in
Ivo_Sum_ADJ94 Invalid use of null. I can see the error
handler say MsgBox "Error in " & "ivo_sum_adj" what does
the 94 represent.. When I debug and run the output it
looks like everything has populated into the tables so I
am not sure what this error is and what to look for to fix

The procedure does 'sloppy error handling': the statement On Error
Resume Next basically means "see errors, but ignore them (for now)". The
tail of the procedure informs you of the last error that occurred: 94
Invalid Use of Null.
You can try removing the statement On Error Resume Next; most likely the
procedure will now fail somewhere (with the same starting conditions,
that is). Where does it fail?

John Vinson

First I did not create this. The following code is a
funtion that the form calls. It seems like it is working
and at the very end it gives me this error in
Ivo_Sum_ADJ94 Invalid use of null. I can see the error
handler say MsgBox "Error in " & "ivo_sum_adj" what does
the 94 represent.. When I debug and run the output it
looks like everything has populated into the tables so I
am not sure what this error is and what to look for to fix

The 94 is the error number of the "Illegal Use of Null" error. To find
out what line's causing it, set a Breakpoint on an early line of the
code - open the code in the VBA editor and click in the bar to the
left of the code. Run the form, and when the code reaches the
breakpoint it will stop. You can then step through the code line by
line by pressing F8; you can check the values of variables by typing


in the Immediate window, or you can set a "watch" on a variable to
display its value as it changes. In any case you'll be able to
determine just where in the code you're getting the error.

Marshall Barton

Comment out the On Error Resume Next so Access can halt the
code on the line that actually has the error.

The 94 is the error number of the error.

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