Error Message 550 Overwrite Permission Denied



Hi, I tried to post my web pages up to a free web-host
place which does not support FP Server Extensions. After
the first up-load, everytime I try to upload or revise it
keeps giving me error messages read as: 550 XXX.htm
Overwrite Permission Denied. What can I do? Please help!!
PS if I log onto the web server and manually delete all
files, then upload again, it seems to be working. But I
don't want to delete all those files everytime I try to
revise something!!

Thomas A. Rowe

That is a server issue, so you will need to contact the host, as there are
not setting within FP that control this.

You didn't by any chance, copy the web to a CD and then moved it or restored
it to your current machine? If so then the file are marked as read-only.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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