Hi Tarallen:
That's an error in the original template. It's what is known as a
"customisation context" error. When Word attaches a global template to a
document, it effectively has TWO templates open, as well as the document.
The attached template is opened, and the user's personal Normal template
remains open.
The macro has been saved to the wrong template. The author intended the
macro to be saved in the global template: instead, they saved it to their
local Normal template.
However, when they put the button on the toolbar, they saved THAT change in
the copy of the toolbar in the global template.
Everything works fine on their machine, because the macro exists in their
Normal template. As soon as you move a document based on the global
template to a different machine, the button fails because it's looking in
the Normal template for a macro, but each user has their own Normal
template, so the macro is not there to be found.
To fix this, take the global template back to the machine that made it, find
the macro in the Normal template, and move it into the same place in the
Normal template. Then fix the button on the toolbar to point to the Global
template version, not the Normal template version of the macro.
Hope this helps
I attached a global template to my document and when I tried to use one of
the autotext buttons, I got the following error message: "The macro cannot be
found or has been disabled because of your Macro security settings."
I even closed everything down and reopened, but it did not prompt me to
enable macros.
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410