Error Message: Cannot check out enterprise global template



This morning I was in the middle of adding enterprise
resources into Project; my computer froze up and the
program stopped responding. I restarted my computer and
went back into Project I clicked on Tools-Enterprise
Option-Open Enterprise Global. Now I receive the error
message "The enterprise global file cannot be checked out.
You cannot check out the enterprise global as it is
already checked out to smith joe" The next thing I did was
restart my computer again. I went back into Project still
the same error so I restarted the server. Then I tried
Project again in the same manner no luck. has anyone ever
experienced this issue? I am all out of answers. Please
Help. Thanks

Dale Howard

Jennifer --

You will need to check-in the Enterprise Global in Project Web Access. To
do so, complete the following steps:

1. Log into PWA with Administrator permissions
2. Click the Admin menu
3. Click the Manage enterprise features link in the sidepane
4. Click the Check in enterprise projects link in the sidepane
5. Select the Enterprise Global from the list of checked out projects and
click the Check-In button

Hope this helps.

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