error message ISBLANK




Im using the following formula for date calculation:


If C38 is blank or contains the date 31-mar-06 (38807) it returns a blank,
otherwise it should enter the last day of the month mentioned in C38.

It works OK if it refers to a real blank cell (with no formula) or to a cell
that contains a date. However, when it refers to a cell that contains above
formula (and returned a blank) I get a #VALUE error message. For example, if
above formula would be in Cell C39 and would return a blank, i would get an
error message if I copied the formula to Cell C40 (referring to Cell C39).

Does anyone know how to solve this? I want to copy this formula down without
getting error message.

Thanks in advance.

Arvi Laanemets


Hans said:
Hi Arvi

It helped (Do you know why?)

When there is formula in cell, then the cell isn't blank. Logically your
formula tried to calculate EOMONTH("",0) which returned an error.
In my formula, when there is a formula in C38, the value returned by formula
is checked. When formula in C38 returns "", then IF returns "".
When there isn't anything in C38 - i.e. cell is empty, then in condition
check Excel iterprets it as empty string, and logically IF again returns "".
But you get an error, when C38 contains p.e. "xxxx". You can consider the
need for further checks, p.e.
Last 2 conditions are checking for negative dates (not allowed when 1900
date system is used) and for numbers too big to be converted to dates by
EOMONTH function.



Thanks for your explanation; makes things a bit more easier to understand.


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