I have a main form with 2 subforms. It has been working
very well until I decided to add one more subform. I was
able to use the main form + subform by being able to enter
info & save it after 2-3 entries when suddenly this error
message appeared.
"The expression before update you entered as the event
property setting produced the ff. errorL A problem
occurred while MAcces was communicating w/ the OLE Server
or Active x Control."
I tried using the resolutions suggested by MAccess since I
learned this is caused by Norton ANti-Virus BUT our
antivirus system is a Symantec Antivirus Corporate
Edition. How do I resolve this. Or is this resolution
the solution?
very well until I decided to add one more subform. I was
able to use the main form + subform by being able to enter
info & save it after 2-3 entries when suddenly this error
message appeared.
"The expression before update you entered as the event
property setting produced the ff. errorL A problem
occurred while MAcces was communicating w/ the OLE Server
or Active x Control."
I tried using the resolutions suggested by MAccess since I
learned this is caused by Norton ANti-Virus BUT our
antivirus system is a Symantec Antivirus Corporate
Edition. How do I resolve this. Or is this resolution
the solution?