error message on start up



I get the following error message on starting up MSWord 2004:

"unexpected error while trying to load Microsoft Framework Library:

I also noticed that I cannot open web pages in Word.

Any suggestions?


Corentin Cras-Méneur

I get the following error message on starting up MSWord 2004:

"unexpected error while trying to load Microsoft Framework Library:

Whaversion do you have?? Are you fully up to date?? Try running the
Microsoft Auto Update to see if it helps,


Beth Rosengard

The framework error has a couple possible causes/solutions:

1. it's most likely a permissions error having to do with the MUD
(Microsoft User Data folder). Quit all Office apps and navigate to your
identity folder in the MUD. Do a Get Info (Command>i) on all the identity's
files and make sure the "Locked" box is not checked. Also be sure you have
full permissions.

2. You can also get the framework error if you have more than one version
of Office and have opened an app from a previous version. You need to quit
all Office apps *and* use Activity Monitor to quit all database daemons.
Then relaunch your usual version of Word, etc.

3. And, this error message can occur if Word can't load some of the shared
resources because the Entourage database is not available. This can happen
if the database is in the process of being compacted or rebuilt.

Please report back on whether any of these suggestions works (or not). HTH.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard

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