I'm looking to be able to access the clipboard contents using VBA. Here's some code which I got from this forum (guy name of Helmut posted it)
Sub R_clipboard_to_variable(
Dim o As DataObjec
Dim s As Strin
Set o = New DataObjec
s = o.GetText(1
End Su
Now this doesn't really do a whole lot of anything, but the end result will have to do with re-writing the headers and footers of about 300 odd documents. When I run this code, though, I get a Compile Error: User-defined type not defined. As I understand it, the dataObject object should be integral to VBA and not something I have to declare a class for. My copy of VBA says it's version 6.3.8863. If anyone can shed any light on this (add-in needs installing, maybe?) then I'd be most obliged
Sub R_clipboard_to_variable(
Dim o As DataObjec
Dim s As Strin
Set o = New DataObjec
s = o.GetText(1
End Su
Now this doesn't really do a whole lot of anything, but the end result will have to do with re-writing the headers and footers of about 300 odd documents. When I run this code, though, I get a Compile Error: User-defined type not defined. As I understand it, the dataObject object should be integral to VBA and not something I have to declare a class for. My copy of VBA says it's version 6.3.8863. If anyone can shed any light on this (add-in needs installing, maybe?) then I'd be most obliged