Error message #VALUE!



Regarding Excel 2003.
Why does the error message #VALUE! (#VERDI! in norwegian) occur when
calculating time?
I'm trying to subtract one field from another containing time values (e.g.
11:30:12-11:23:34). In some fields I get the right answer and in some fields
I get the error message #VERDI!, even though the format of the fileds is the
same. I have used the function "copy format" to be sure they have the same

David Biddulph

You've probably got text in some of the fields, rather than real times.
Look out for spaces, non-breaking spaces [CHAR(160)], and other non-printing
characters. Changing cell format has no effect if the contents are text.

Joerg Mochikun

As David mentioned, cell format has no effect. However you could format all
cells as "General" and see if any of your cells don't change. These are the
ones containing text, all others should turn into numbers.

David Biddulph said:
You've probably got text in some of the fields, rather than real times.
Look out for spaces, non-breaking spaces [CHAR(160)], and other
non-printing characters. Changing cell format has no effect if the
contents are text.
David Biddulph

swsw said:
Regarding Excel 2003.
Why does the error message #VALUE! (#VERDI! in norwegian) occur when
calculating time?
I'm trying to subtract one field from another containing time values
11:30:12-11:23:34). In some fields I get the right answer and in some
I get the error message #VERDI!, even though the format of the fileds is
same. I have used the function "copy format" to be sure they have the

Satti Charvak

also for a fast check you may use the function , say =MINUTE(A1), to see if
the correct value is returned.

In case of any error, the cell may need manual correction.

Kind Regards,
Satti Charvak
Only an Excel Enthusiast
Noida, India

Joerg Mochikun said:
As David mentioned, cell format has no effect. However you could format all
cells as "General" and see if any of your cells don't change. These are the
ones containing text, all others should turn into numbers.

David Biddulph said:
You've probably got text in some of the fields, rather than real times.
Look out for spaces, non-breaking spaces [CHAR(160)], and other
non-printing characters. Changing cell format has no effect if the
contents are text.
David Biddulph

swsw said:
Regarding Excel 2003.
Why does the error message #VALUE! (#VERDI! in norwegian) occur when
calculating time?
I'm trying to subtract one field from another containing time values
11:30:12-11:23:34). In some fields I get the right answer and in some
I get the error message #VERDI!, even though the format of the fileds is
same. I have used the function "copy format" to be sure they have the

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